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Kelsung's Letterboxing Journal
Red Rock Rescue

Road Trip!

Okay, it's not unusual for me to have a short day at work and then drive a long distance to do some boxing, but today was a bit extreme. I finish in Ontario and head up the 15 through the Cajon Pass. I exit onto the 395 and head due north some 45 miles to Kramer Junction.

Just west a few miles down the 58 is Boron, with both a museum and a visitors center. Then I continue west all the way to Mojave, veering north up the 14 another 25 miles to Red Rock Canyon. The hike is just a mile loop, but a detour up a stream bed for the first box adds a bit of distance.

Then I head for the older box here. I obviously like KatPau boxes, because with only 27 journal entries out of hundreds of boxing trips, this is the fourth time I've written about one of theirs. You see, their clues were hosted on a personal site and just linked to from LbNA. However, several years ago they lost access to that site, and a couple years later it was finally deleted. With more and more people only using AtlasQuest for clues, and the links to these now being dead, all their boxes had dropped into oblivion.

But I know to use archive.org to dig up those old clue pages. When I found the Red Rock Canyon box, it was destroyed, but the stamp cleaned up and the logbook only had mild water damage. I hiked back out to my car with it, cleaned up and replaced the bags and container, then hiked back in to return it to its home.

By the time I got home, I'd driven a big circle of around 370 miles!

When logging my Mount Baldy find I asked if they wanted help rebuilding their clues and got a positive response. When logging this one, I asked specifically if they'd let me list them on AQ, and they gave me an emphatic yes. With their old site gone, frustration and a lack of motivation had set in, but they want their surviving boxes to reach a new audience. I've already set about doing just that, and I encourage any visitor to SoCal to check out their plants.

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